The Power of 3 Energy Healing Experience

"The Power of 3" is a 3-day energy healing experience held each month over the full moon.

You will be guided to tap into the power of the moon to supercharge your intentions in the area of your astrological chart that this full moon is activating.

This unique journey will feature the combined power of three healers: Kim, the moon, and the greatest healer of all—YOU!

How It Works

Three Intentions

With Kim's guidance, you will set three heartfelt intentions that tap into your personal astrology and harness the full moon's energy.

Three Healers

Join virtual forces with Kim and the moon to create a powerful healing trio. Our combined energy magnifies your intentions and sends healing to you.

Three Days

Over the three days of the full moon, Kim will send focused healing energy to you and your intentions each day, all while you go about your normal day.

The Healing Power of the Moon

The moon has long been revered as a powerful force in spiritual practices, and many consider it a healer in its own right. Its phases symbolise the natural cycles of growth, release, and renewal, which are key aspects of healing. Just as the moon affects the tides, it also influences our emotions, energy, and intentions.

During the full moon, the energy is at its peak, making it an ideal time for releasing what no longer serves us and setting powerful intentions for the future. The moon’s light can illuminate hidden aspects of ourselves, allowing for deep reflection and transformation. As a healer, the moon helps us align with the rhythms of nature, bringing balance and harmony into our lives.

By working with the moon’s energy, we tap into a universal force that supports our healing journey on both physical and spiritual levels.

Benefits of The Power of 3

Enhanced Healing

The synergy of three dedicated healers magnifies the impact of the healing energy for you and your intentions.

Personal Empowerment

By actively participating, you're accessing and strengthening your innate healing abilities.

Lunar Alignment

The full moon is a potent time for releasing what no longer serves you and calling in your powerful intentions. Our combined efforts during this period can lead to profound shifts.


Distance healing will support you as you go about your normal life. You can actively participate as much or as little as you wish from the comfort of your own home.

How You Are Supported

You will be fully supported on this journey. You don't have to know anything about astrology or energy healing, and you don't even have to do anything over the three days if you don't want to. There's no "right way" to do this. You just need to be open to receiving this beautiful energy healing.

As the third healer in this powerful trio, you will be provided guidance and support from Kim through email and in our private Facebook Group. You will receive specially created meditations and be able to create a personal ritual at home to align with the healing energy being sent your way - this can be as simple or elaborate as you like. By actively participating, you tap into your innate healing abilities, becoming an integral part of the process!

Are you ready to activate the Power of 3?



Join us for one month.

Spend three days receiving energy healing during the upcoming full moon.

  • Three days of distance healing from an experienced energy practitioner.
  • Access to the exclusive Facebook group for this month's full moon.
  • A personalised email from Kim, explaining the astrological house and area of your life activated by the full moon, with reflective questions to consider and examples of intentions for that area of your life.
  • Support in crafting clear and powerful intentions.
  • Assistance in creating a personal ritual to use during and after the three-day healing.
  • Custom meditations to support your journey.




Sign up for 12 months

and receive the benefit of energy healing over each full moon for a whole year.


  • Everything in the one month access plus...
  • An astrological handbook tailored specifically to your rising sign, guiding you through each moon phase over the 12 months of your subscription. It explains the houses and areas of life activated by each moon, provides reflective questions, and includes intention examples for each house.
  • A 20-minute Zoom call with Kim to clarify your intentions and answer any questions (available during your first month).
  • Continuous healing support for any intentions set during the 12 months of your subscription—not limited to just the three days of the full moon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on each question to toggle open the answer.

How does distance healing work?

Think of a mobile phone. It’s not necessary for two people to be in physical proximity in order to talk, as phones use electromagnetic radio waves to connect with other phones. Similarly, recipients do not need to be in physical proximity to the practitioner to receive Reiki, just as practitioners don’t need to be near recipients to send it.

What does distance healing feel like?

The experience of receiving distance healing varies based on the recipient's sensitivity. Some may feel physical sensations like warmth or tingling, while others might not feel any physical sensations but notice a greater sense of calm, relaxation, optimism, and empowerment. Healing may accelerate, and their overall sense of well-being can significantly improve.

Do I need to sit down and be 'present' at a certain time to receive the healing? 

No, you don't need to sit down at a specific time to receive the distance healing, which makes it a perfect option for those 'too busy' for an in-person session. Each day, Kim will conduct distance healing sessions using a personalised ritual involving multiple healing modalities (including Reiki and crystal grids). These modalities allow for continuous healing energies to flow to you and your intentions across the 3-day period, and it will reach you regardless of what you are doing at that moment. However, we encourage you to engage in your personal ritual and listen to the provided meditation at a time that suits you each day to enhance your connection to the healing energy.

How do I get started?

Register for the offering using the booking buttons above. You can choose to join us for one month or for every full moon over the next 12 months.

What happens after I sign up?

You’ll receive emails with:

  • A link to join the Facebook group.
  • A guide on how to write your intentions.
  • ️A link to a custom full moon meditation to support your intention-setting process.

What if I don’t know how to set intentions?

No worries! Once you’re all signed up, you will be sent all the info you need to prepare for your intention setting, including examples. You’ll also be given access to the group page and all other resources. Participants are encouraged to workshop their intentions with Kim and other members in the Facebook group if support is needed.

How do I prepare for the healing sessions?

Kim will post in the Facebook group and send emails to guide you in creating an activation ritual for the three days. An intention-setting journey meditation will also be provided, which you can listen to daily as part of your ritual.

When will the healing take place?

Kim will send distance healing to each participant and their intentions on the day before, the day of and the day after the full moon. Participants can complete their own ritual at home during these days. This process ensures you are supported every step of the way, from intention setting to receiving powerful distance healing during the full moon.

I have more questions!

That's completely okay. If you’re keen to know more or have specific questions, send Kim a DM on Instagram or send an email and more information will happily be provided for you.

Your Healing Guide

Kim Rooney

After receiving regular Reiki treatments over many years, Kim decided it was time to take responsibility for her own healing. Kim completed her Reiki I, II and Master training with Franceska Jordan AM, an internationally recognised counsellor, speaker, author and healer.

Kim is now a Reiki Master Teacher in her own right, as well as a certified Crystal and Sound Healer, and she is passionate about awakening the inner healer in others. She has a healing space for in-person treatments and Reiki training in Brisbane, and also loves to send distance healing to her clients.

Feedback from Previous Participants


"As a busy mother, being involved in Power of 3 each month has been such a blessing. Even though I don't always have the time for a daily ritual, I still feel the benefits of the healing energy. Having received 1:1 healings from Kim for years, I can honestly say that this offering brings the same sense of peace, clarity, and balance that I would feel from an in-person session. It's such a relief to know that I can stay connected and supported, even with my hectic schedule."


"I've always set intentions, but writing them in alignment with astrology through Power of 3 has taken manifestation to a whole new level! I used to write New Year's resolutions, but now I’m getting so much more out of making it a monthly ritual. Reflecting on what I want to release and setting goals for what I want to call in each month has brought incredible clarity and momentum to my life. It’s empowering to work with the natural cycles and feel supported in manifesting my desires."


"Just thought I would share that one of my intentions was 'My dream clients are magnetically attracted to me.' On Friday morning I had four new clients sign up with me. Crazy!"

Marita B

"After setting my intention on the sale of my property, I'm pleased to report that it was purchased by the loveliest vendor and sold for a record price in the area!"


"I gained clarity around my career and made the decision to resign from a job that I wasn't loving."


"I feel hopeful... like a crack of sunlight is finally splitting through the rubble."